Sandra Glyngsdal Art

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Photo is taken at the Chilliwack Tulip Festival 2021

Inspiration is an important part of any artist's work and I wanted to take a moment to tell you a little about why I make the art I make. 

It all started after the world changed in 2020 and we were all at home teaching our children. I have always enjoyed art and had been a secret artist for many years. I decided to open up an Instagram account to give some art tips for some friend’s children and homeschool moms. The more I shared the greater my enjoyment for sharing my art grew. The positive feedback encouraged me to keep sharing and creating. I have always enjoyed art but now I had a reason to share it with the public.

Viewpoint Sketch Practice

It had been a few rough years seeing my dad going through cancer treatments and the effects of this illness. I found that taking a step back and looking at the beauty around me and translating that into drawings and paintings helped me to cope. This has truly come in handy in the stressful time that we are all finding ourselves in with this pandemic. We need something upbuilding to help us reset, recharge to keep going with whatever life throws at us.

Whatever it is, the way you tell your story online can make all the difference.

My inspiration comes from nature and beautiful things, places and people (their qualities). My hope is that people not only enjoy looking at my art but to inspire others to try it themselves. Whatever your age is, get out there and take a moment to observe, sketch, photograph, draw or paint what makes you happy or appreciate in life!